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ACC TLED Updates Webcast, Featuring Articulation and University Relations

Hours: 0.25

ACC TLED Updates is a monthly series where faculty can hear about ongoing initiatives that support their teaching & learning experience at ACC.

Watch this webcast from April 2018 for a comprehensive update from Articulation & University Relations, part of the newly formed Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED). Learn about the work from this area, our university transfer partner collaborations, and more.

1) Enroll in the workshop
2) On your “scheduled” page in the workshop database choose “Begin Course”
3) You will be directed to a Vizia website to view the webcast
4) Provide your name & ACC email address
5) Answer the questions provided in the video as they occur

Once you’ve completed viewing the video and answering the questions, our staff will get an automatic notification to award your professional development credit in the workshop database within one week of completion. Please direct questions to

Date Time Location Presenter
ONLINE - AVAILABLE THROUGH 09/01/2018Courtney C Grams 


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