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NISOD: Webinar: Establishing a Social Presence in the Online Environment

Hours: 1

Despite the increasing popularity of online courses, retention in these courses is much lower than their face-to-face counterparts. The content in both delivery methods is the same; so what’s the difference? One of the most obvious differences between traditional classes and online classes is a social presence. This webinar demonstrates establishing a social presence in online environments. These strategies have been tested at Nash Community College and the results are outstanding.

Lane Freeman, Chair, Nash Online; Eva Hardy, Instructor, Communication and Program Coordinator, Global Perspectives Scholars, Nash Community College

Thursday, December 14, 2017

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

ACC Faculty and Staff are able to access webinars on a wide smorgasbord of NISOD trainings.

1. Go to the NISOD webinar Homepage -
2. Click “View or Sign Up”
3. Find “Establishing a Social Presence in the Online Environment” and click “Register Now” 4. To sign up for this webinar, make sure to use your email address.
5. Send an email to to be awarded credit.

Date Time Location Presenter
ONLINE - AVAILABLE THROUGH 12/14/2017Chelsea Biggerstaff 


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