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GA16: Using Open Educational Resources to Increase Student Retention and Persistence

Hours: 3

This workshop will cover the history of Open Educational Resources (OER), how they can make education more affordable for students, and how they can help increase student retention and persistence. It will also inform attendees about the Achieving the Dream grant that ACC and three other community colleges have received to develop OER, and the OER courses being developed at ACC.

Participants will gain an understanding of what open education resources are and pros and cons of using them, how OER can reduce student debt by eliminating textbooks or making them more affordable, how OER can increase student retention and success, and how to find open educational resources.

Jimmy Clark has been an Instructional Designer at ACC since the fall of 2004. He has earned a Master's degree in education and an MBA. He led the Faculty Institute on OER this summer and does a lot research on new technologies being used in education.

Date Time Location Presenter
08/26/20161:30pm-4:45pmHBC 212Jimmy D. Clark 


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