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PROFDEV: TOOLBOX DEVELOPMENT Managing a Multi Generational Workplace For Supervisors

Hours: 1

**NOTE: THIS WORKSHOP IS FOCUSED ON STAFF SUPERVISORS, DEANS, & DEPT. CHAIRS. Support Staff Welcome.** Today’s workforce is composed of generations with different values and priorities. This session will identify the characteristics and key motivational factors of each generation. This session evaluates ways to effectively engage and motivate each generation. Explore commonalities and discuss differences to build strong teams while bridging the generational gap. HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT When you leave this session you should be able to : • Identify common areas of conflict between generations • Determine ways to motivate each generation • Effectively communicate across generations • Create a plan to manage multiple generations successfully **PRESENTED BY DEER OAKS, EAP - Peter Harrell**

Date Time Location Presenter
02/10/201610:00am-11:00amHBC 221.0Vanessa Medina-Flores 


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