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TLED: Service-Learning Rubric Development Workshop - Online

Hours: 4

The goal of this TWO PART workshop is to introduce and engage participants in some of the fundamental steps of rubric creation as they apply to the development of service-learning rubrics. Participants will be required to attend both sessions for full professional development credit. Participants will...
  • identify the necessary components of a high quality rubric, including learning Goals, Learning Objectives, Criterion, Rating Scale and Level Descriptors
  • distinguish between a standard assessment rubric and a service-learning rubric
  • create two service-learning goals (criterion) for use in their service-learning course
  • synthesize two service-learning objectives from those goals for use in their course.
  • using one of those service-learning objectives, write three level descriptors for use on a service-learning assessment rubric

Preferential enrollment will be given to faculty who have completed the Service-Learning Training through the Office of Experiential Learning.

PLEASE NOTE: By enrolling below, participants are committing to attend both Part One on 11/10 AND Part Two on 11/12, both from 2-4PM. Participants MUST attend both sessions for full professional development credit. Upon enrolling, you will receive an email with a link to both events on Blackboard Collaborate. Please reach out to Sabryna Groves ( with any questions.

Date Time Location Presenter
2:00pm-4:00pmOnline BlackBoard CollaborateSabryna A Groves 


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