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SSD20: Navigating Accommodated Testing in the Virtual Environment

Hours: 1

Remote testing has it's own challenges without having to figure out how to accommodate students with disabilities. Have no fear! SAS has developed procedures and guidelines to help faculty understand how to administer tests to students with disabilities, using ACC approved software.

A participant walks away with:
  • Faculty will understand how accommodated tests are administered, ensuring that students' accommodations are met. They will also gain a better grasp on how Blackboard and Google Meets can satisfy the requirements for secure testing, and find the support and advocacy from SAS that is needed during this unusual time.


Dr. Lauren Sebel has been with ACC for 13 years, all in Student Accessibility Services. In 2016, SAS reorganized and Lauren became the department's first director. She appreciates every opportunity she has to work with faculty on understanding their responsibilities to this population of students. She is always available for questions and encourages faculty to reach out to her.

This workshop will be held virtually via BB Collaborate. To access the workshop, go to the Summer Software Day webpage at and click the "Connect" button on the day of the conference.

If any accommodations are needed for this workshop, please email as soon as possible but at least five days before the workshop. Please include the name of the workshop. You will be contacted by a member of our staff to discuss your specific needs. Thank you.

Date Time Location Presenter
07/24/202010:15am-11:15amOnlineLauren Claire Sebel 


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