FACDEV: Corequisite Workshop (2 of 3): Big-picture, philosophical issues of corequisites, collaborative pairing best practices, and syllabus prep (INRW, Soc, Engl, & Hist faculty)
Hours: 6
What do you discuss with your fellow corequisite instructors? Are there other things you can discuss before and during the semester? Have you considered the type of literacies your students can and cannot understand? Is your instruction structured in a way to help them comprehend the material? These questions along with other best practices will be covered in four corequisite workshops facilitated by Dr. Sonya Armstrong whose research is in corequisite instruction.
This is the second of three workshops emphasizing different needs in corequisite courses. We will connect INRW courses with for-credit course using best practices, and we will collaborate with fellow instructors within our discipline as well as our paired instructor for the fall semester. Together, we will bring organization and clarity to our curriculum and instruction so students can successfully complete their first two courses at ACC!
HLC 2211
Friday, July 26th from 9am-3pm |