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SSD19: VR - What Can It Do For Your Students?

Hours: 1.25

Virtual Reality has the potential to present information in a way heretofore unseen by the critical mass of our students. But imagine the possibilities of leading your students into a visual and auditory learning environment that is both interactive and exploratory, and what that might do for their engagement in the learning content. We will be demonstrating various applications on actual VR hardware.

At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:

•Explore the basics of virtual reality
•Practice various applications on actual VR hardware
•Create an environment that engages students

Garry Gaber is a veteran American game designer, writer, studio head and department chair of Creative Design Technologies.

Gaber began his career at LucasArts Entertainment Company, creating art for "Jedi Knight" "Shadows of the Empire" and "Rebel Assault II" before becoming a project leader on the highly successful games "Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds" and "Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Clone Campaigns", a franchise that has sold over 1,000,000 units worldwide. After moving to Austin, Gaber founded Escape Hatch Entertainment, where he designed and created several serious game titles geared toward game-based education before launching the "Starlight" franchise of entertainment games.

Gaber has been with Austin Community College since 2005.

Date Time Location Presenter
07/26/201910:30am-11:45amHLC 2208Garry M Gaber 


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