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SSD19: Be an Accessibility Ally: An introduction to creating accessible documents

Hours: 1.25

Do you know how students with visual, mobility, or learning disabilities navigate course materials? Or how a blind student would read a pdf sent from your office? This workshop will provide an introduction to creating accessible documents across various formats (word, pdf, ppt, etc). Topics will include style formatting in word, writing alt text for images, and how to run an accessibility check. We will also briefly touch on Blackboard Ally's features. Bring your laptop if you would like to follow along as we create accessible documents.

At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:

•Describe basic accessibility principles
•Create accessible documents across various formats (word, pdf, ppt, etc)
•Review Blackboard Ally’s features
•Identify accessibility resources and tools within Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat DC, as well as at ACC and online.

Meg Allen Kareithi is an Accessibility Coordinator in ACC's Alt Text and Media Department. Previously she was the Testing and Assistive Technology Coordinator for the University of Texas at Austin. As a former adjunct instructor she has a passion for ensuring that learning environments are accessible to all students. She has a Master's of History from Tulane University.

Date Time Location Presenter
Enrollment full07/26/20199:00am-10:15amHLC 2412Megan K Kareithi 


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