SSD19: Increasing Student Success with Academic Early Alert
Hours: 1.25
Recent studies have shown that institutions who have implemented early alert systems have shown measurable improvement in regards to student success, student satisfaction and successful course completion. In this session, instructors will learn how to partner with Student Affairs in the implementation of academic early alert using an online reporting form, Maxient. The product will highlight 360 degree communication with advisors, counselors and success coaches.
At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:
•Explain the purpose of Maxient, an online academic early alert reporting tool
•Discuss how instructors can partner and communicate with Student Affairs using Maxient
Dr. Dorado M. Kinney
Executive Dean of Student Services for the Central Region at Austin Community College
Dorado M. Kinney is Executive Dean of ACC’s Central Region campuses (Highland, Eastview, Rio Grande, and Elgin). Prior to this role he served as Student Affairs Dean at both Eastview and Highland campuses. With more than 20 years of experience as a Student Affairs administrator at both two-year and four year institutions, he has worked in Greek life, multicultural student affairs, new student orientation, student judicial affairs, and student athlete support services.
A leader of multiple district-wide initiatives, he was vital in transitioning ACC from paper advising documents to electronic forms. He has led the development of student disciplinary policies, the implementation of a district-wide system to track and monitor cases, and improved testing center structure. Dr. Kinney is a 2019-2020 Aspen Presidential Fellow. He holds a doctorate in education from the University of Texas at Austin, a master’s degree in management from the University of Denver, a master’s degree in higher education from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree in urban studies from Columbia University.