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SSD19: Captions & Interpreters for Real

Hours: 1.25

We will discuss the fun of having interpreters in the classroom and the process for getting media captioned. Why did the interpreter do that? Do they have to be right there? It takes how long to get my media captioned? Is there a way for me to do it myself? FAQ's and Q's & A's.

At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:

•Describe the role of an interpreter
•Discuss the process for getting media captioned

Ginger Bennett, Director of Interpreter Services
I have been with ACC for 15 years with the last four being the leader of the Interpreter Services team which includes the In-House Captioning service. Our goal is to provide communication access for deaf and hard of hearing students, faculty, staff and visitors. We are able to do this by providing interpreters and captioned media. I would love to know your thoughts and concerns. Come and join me for some fun, facts and figuring out how we can work together to provide the ultimate communication access.

Date Time Location Presenter
07/26/201910:30am-11:45amHLC 2412Virginia A Bennett 


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