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Webinar: Academic Advising in an Era of Instant Gratification (By Invitation Only)

Hours: 1

The rise of the digital age has brought transformation at both the individual and societal levels. With constantly changing forms of technology literally at our fingertips, we must continually learn new ways to access information and connect with one another. This 24/7 access to people and things all over the world with a simple click of a button has given rise to a culture of instant gratification. Expectations of rapid response have increased demands on education professionals, who are required to evolve with their students and “meet them where they are” whenever possible. Advising personnel daily face new challenges to meet student needs and often feel pressured to move at a pace that may feel too rapid to produce optimal outcomes.

How can advisors do their best for students in an era of instAdvising? How can advisors foster development of effective decision-making and problem-solving skills when there is so much emphasis on speed and efficiency? How can advisors juggle setting appropriate boundaries and managing student expectations in ways that are healthy for all, while still meeting the expectations of their institutions?

In this Webinar, three advisors who received outstanding accolades for their presentations on this topic at the 2017 NACADA Annual Conference team up to share their ideas and expertise. They will discuss ways that advisors and their students experience the phenomenon of instant gratification in their educational settings. They will share strategies to create advising relationships that facilitate learning and foster student empowerment. And they will consider tools that can utilize instant gratification to help students stay on track and feel more investment in the work advisors do with them. Participants will leave with a resource packet that they will be able to utilize with their colleagues and refer to when working with students on their own campuses.

Please Note: Enrollment is by Invitation Only Thank you

Date Time Location Presenter
04/18/201912:30am-3:00pmHBC 221David Zuniga 


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