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The information in this system is now read-only and will be available through Dec 31,2021.
We are aware that all employees' Cybersecurity Awareness Training will expire 08/31/2021.
ALL mandatory training for new and current employees is suspended starting Monday, August 9, 2021 through November 1, 2021. Employees will be able to resume training on Workday to fulfill compliance requirements after November 1, 2021.
More information will be sent to all staff and faculty soon.
HR TOOLBOX::Strengthening the Team
Hours: 1
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its
success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime”— Babe Ruth. Participants will engage in a discussion on basic communication principles and complete a fun small-group exercise to
identify communication barriers. The facilitator will introduce elements of clear communication.
Participants have an opportunity to practice listening, questioning, confirming, and encouraging in several interactive group exercises.
How you will benefit-
When you leave this session you should be able to
• Discuss strategies for creating and maintaining
an inclusive environment
• Understand constructive ways to communicate
with others
• Identify methods for building
respectful relationships
• Explore tips for overcoming relational
challenges in the workplace