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HR TOOLBOX::Communication Skills for Collaboration

Hours: 1

A manager needs to be able to effectively communicate with his or her team to build trust. You are able to build a better rapport when you are able to give clear and concise instructions. As an effective communicator you can also resolve conflict. In this seminar you will engage in a discussion on basic communication principles, including the impact of nonverbal cues on communication. You will also learn about the behaviors and skills involved in active listening. How you will benefit- This session will help you create a collaborative process that is effective with all communication styles. You will • Identify the characteristics of effective communication • Recognize ways to facilitate mutual respect • Recognize the importance and impact of nonverbal cues on communication • Discuss the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule • Consider ways to create a respectful and cohesive workplace as a leader/manager

Date Time Location Presenter
06/05/20192:00pm-3:00pmHBC 301.0Nicole K Bell 


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