This system has been replaced by Workday.
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The information in this system is now read-only and will be available through Dec 31,2021.
We are aware that all employees' Cybersecurity Awareness Training will expire 08/31/2021.
ALL mandatory training for new and current employees is suspended starting Monday, August 9, 2021 through November 1, 2021. Employees will be able to resume training on Workday to fulfill compliance requirements after November 1, 2021.
More information will be sent to all staff and faculty soon.
Position Management Forms Training
Hours: 1.5
Effective March 1, the currently used Position Change & Budget Approval Form (PCBA) will be replaced with NEW Position Management Forms. These new forms will be used to request the creation of a new position outside of the annual budget process, request modifications to an existing vacant position, or request changes to non-vacant positions (i.e. account changes, supervisor changes, FTE changes, etc.) HR Compensation is presenting this workshop for budget authorities and their administrative support staff to learn about these new Position Management forms. The presentation will be presented live as well as via livestream.
Here is the link for the livestream presentation: