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SDD19: Care to Serve: A Road Map to Customer Service in Higher Education

Hours: 1.33

This workshop is designed to define what customer service in higher education looks like, the pros and cons of treating students like customers, finding a middle ground to best serve our students, and what techniques can be developed personally to make you the best customer service provider you can be.

This workshop will help you to develop your customer service skills, give you a better understanding on why customer service in higher education is vital, and how to “buy into” the customer service model.

April Seabourn has worked in one capacity or another in customer service for most of her life. Working as a teenager in her family’s restaurant business, working for a disaster relief company, and finally spending the last 10 years working for Austin Community College in Student Life. These opportunities gave her a keen sense of customer service and what it takes to be successful in this area.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/18/20199:00am-10:15amHLC 2216April M Seabourn 


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