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SDD19: Inspire for Advisors: An Outreach, Documentation and Collaboration Tool for Faculty

Hours: 1.33

Participants will be introduced to an online application created by Civitas Learning that is used to manage student caseloads and document outreach to students, both individually and in larger cohorts based on department, major or interests. By having the ability to utilize historical datum to inform persistence rates from semester to semester faculty can proactively outreach to students who may be struggling or succeeding in order to offer intervention conversations, referrals or kudos.

Faculty have an opportunity to begin bolstering student-centered communication between faculty and staff while also providing proactive outreach to students who they serve in the classroom. With the ability to intervene and inspire students who may be struggling or succeeding, faculty will connect with students in a personalized way informed by analytics, with the opportunity to influence student engagement, belonging and persistence.

Dr. Jodi Denyszyn – Has been working in the education field since 1997, with a focus on teaching and counseling Pre-K through graduate students. As a licensed professional counselor supervisor, Dr. Denyszyn owned a counseling private practice for ten years in central Austin. She began teaching part-time at ACC four years ago in the Student Development department. Joining the Student Engagement and Analytics unit at its inception in 2016, she works as a Student Success Manager with south region campuses (HYS, RVS, SAC). She enjoys running, kickboxing, yoga, improv comedy and helping animals in her free time.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/18/20192:30pm-4:00pmHLC 2208Jodi L Denyszyn 


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