SDD19: Academic Honesty Resource Connections
Hours: 1.33
What is fair use and what does an instructor need to know to prevent classroom plagiarism? Are there best practices for using copyrighted materials in Blackboard? How to educate my students about copyright and plagiarism? What licensed and open resources are available for teachers?
This interactive workshop will provide a basic introduction to plagiarism, copyright and fair use in the classroom. Topics will also include plagiarism prevention, open educational resources, Creative Commons, public performance viewing rights, library resources and open access journals.
Participants will compare and contrast plagiarism prevention strategies.
Participants will examine best practices for copyright compliance and fair use in the classroom and Blackboard.
Courtney Mlinar, Associate Professor/Head Librarian, Elgin campus, recently completed her fifth year at Austin Community College. She serves as the ACC Copyright Officer and on various library and campus-wide committees and teams. Her librarian experience includes work with liberal arts, health sciences, and clinical faculty, symphony orchestras, summer music and opera festivals. She is an active committee member in the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and teaches continuing education classes for the Medical Library Association and Library Juice Academy. |