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SDD19: Grow & Cultivate the 'Good Class'

Hours: 1.33

Everyone, every teacher, has tough classes; it is a part of the journey. The goal isn’t to GET the good class. The goal is to grow and cultivate one.

- Emily Diehl (instructional coach and educator consultant for Mindset Works)

Each new semester brings new cohorts of students; and they each bring new dynamics to the class. There is no guarantee that we will get the type of dynamics we are hoping for from the get-go, but we all have the power to turn any class into our dreamed “good” classes. Join me in a discussion to turn any class into a good one. In this facilitated discussion, I will interleave my suggestions with your ideas. As a group, our end goal is to share and learn from each other enough ideas to add to our repertoire; and turn any of our Spring classes into a good one.

Shih-Ting has 5+ years experience working at ACC as an Instructional Designer. She enjoys working with the wonderful ACC faculty, staff and students.
She has worked in higher education settings and the Texas Department of State Health Services. She has experience teaching instructional technology courses at two universities and is currently teaching the Student Development courses at ACC.

Shih-Ting is the Instructional Development process holder for Austin Competency Analysis Profiler (ACAP) and curriculum development. She is a certified Quality Matters Course Reviewer and F2F Facilitator. She grew up in Taiwan and speaks both Mandarin Chinese and English. She is learning Spanish with her children and is enjoying the process. She is passionate about learning and taking on new adventures.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/18/20192:30pm-4:00pmHLC 2404Shih-Ting Lee 


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