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SDD19: Active and Engaged Activities for Writing Courses

Hours: 1.33

This workshop seeks to share a collaborative group activity for English 1301 that teaches both Revision work and Diversity. Through a think-share-pair activity participants work together to put pieces of an essay together in the way they think is best and share their results. What is revealed is that many options are possible depending on what each group chose to emphasize or focus on and how a faculty member can lead this learning process.

A participant in this workshop will walk away with a revision activity for a writing class that supports active and engaged pedagogy.

Mendy Holliday an adjunct professor in English and Student Development who has always been interested in active and engaged learning. I have participated in The Great Teaching Retreat, and was also a member of the Faculty Fellows, a group developed to research active learning and teach back to faculty.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/18/20192:30pm-4:00pmHLC 2217Mendy M Holliday 


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