New Faculty Seminar 2018 - Session #1
Hours: 3.5
This is part 1 of a 3 session seminar developed by the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL). The seminar is open to all new faculty, both adjunct and full time, and will cover a full range of experiences that will benefit educators of any designation. Attend as many sessions as your schedule allows.
The title of this component of the seminar is: "Connecting With Your College, Colleagues, and Students."
In this session, new faculty will be invited to learn more about their college, their colleagues, and their students. With a series of interactive group activities and round table discussions, faculty members new to ACC will be given the opportunity to find key points of contact in the college and develop solutions to early challenges. They’ll learn from seasoned instructors and each other as they develop the ties with their colleagues that are essential to a satisfying career.
Breakfast will be served; please contact Michelle Fitzpatrick (michelle.fitzpatrick@austincc.edu) if you have dietary restrictions. |