#BossLady Speaker Series: Finding Your Tribe
Hours: 1
Sisters have been doing it for themselves! Who runs the world? Girls! We've been taught to ROAR! Female empowerment is great but how do you apply it to your life? Student Life is calling all ACC females to take part in an exciting new series: #BossLady Come and listen to dynamic speakers discussing the real issues women today face! Learn more about taking risks as women, knowing your worth, sisterhood and building your circle of support, among many other topics! The series is FREE for all to attend! Join us and connect with other powerful women!
Finding your tribe does not happen by luck. It happens by making sure you are in the right places and surround yourself with people who lift you up. Having a tribe of supportive women around you helps in ways you could have never imagined. Come learn about the benefits of finding your tribe, and how to make it happen!
About the Presenter: Beth has her Master's Degree in College Student Affairs Administration from the University of Georgia and Bachelors in International Affairs from Florida State University. By day, Beth works at the University of Texas at Austin. By night, Beth is a founder of TXwHEART, a women in higher education group, works on a local political campaign, and was an organizer for the Women's March on Austin, along with being an avid football fan!