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SDD18: Diary of a HS Programs Student

Hours: 1.3

In the evolving field of Dual Credit Programming and Early College High Schools, community colleges are forging relationships that offer high schoolers new opportunities for advancement, knowledge, and skills acquisition. But who are these students and what do they mean to ACC faculty and staff? The participants in ACC’s HS Programs are navigating new territories often without a clear roadmap. Often students are not taking classes on an ACC campus or have much familiarity with college procedures that learners might develop more easily if they were.

Some demographic information and statistics will be shared with the attendees and then specific scenarios will be shared for small group discussions to spark reflection, imagination, and action for how ACC can serve this population to its fullest.

A participant in this workshop will walk away with:

An opportunity to reflect on a paradoxical special population.
Act with new insights about one of ACC’s fastest growing student populations.

Katharine Bennett has nearly 20 years of experience developing and implementing post-secondary programming in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, North America, and South America. She has worked with diverse student groups that have included refugees, farm workers, international exchange participants, military officers, high school students, and traditional undergraduates. What she brings to ACC and this workshop is her passion for helping students succeed in academics as well as developing life skills.

Veronica Castillo has over 20 years of experience working in higher education across the United States at both four-year institutions and community colleges. Prior to rejoining ACC in 2016, she was employed at an Austin area high school as the Project Advance Coordinator, working with high school students to develop successful strategies for life and college. What she brings to ACC and this workshop is her expertise and understanding of how to prepare high schoolers for the college experience.

JaCorey Mosely started Academic Advising at UT Arlington in 2012 and has continued his career in higher education since then. With professional stints at Texas State University and now at Austin Community College, he looks forward to utilizing his recent graduate degree in Developmental Education to further his passion for working with diverse groups of students. What he brings to ACC and to this workshop is his experience as an academic advisor at a four year institution giving fresh insights to his work.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/12/20189:00am-10:30amHLC 2217Katharine S Garza 


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