SDD18: Better Student Essays in 3 Simple Steps
Hours: 1.3
If you've graded student essays, then you may have noticed that it is not always your favorite part of the job. Getting students to think critically and engage authentically with course content in order to submit quality papers is one of the never-ending struggles in education. However, through active and collaborative learning, we can get our students to do just that! There are three simple and easily implemented activities that will soon have your students coughing up their own unique ideas rather than simply regurgitating concepts verbatim from your lecture, or worse...Wikipedia. These classroom-tested, student approved activities can be used separately, but produce the best results when used together.
Participants in this workshop will experience the thrill of the engaging Socratic Smackdown, the benefits of the collaborative Step Back Consulting, and marvel at the wonders of the captivating Course Bar Graph. Although participants will learn best through their hands-on experience with these tools, handouts will be provided for each. This workshop is not discipline specific, and participants from all disciplines are welcome and encouraged to enroll!
Jill Bosché teaches in the English and Student Development departments. She is a UT Visiting Scholar facilitating the Faculty Learning Community on Globalizing Curriculum, a member of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Group, and represents Dual Credit faculty in shared governance. |