SDD18: Putting the Fun Back Into Learning
Hours: 1.3
This workshop will cover active and engaged strategies for learning, particularly ones that students seem to enjoy the most. These strategies often make learning more fun for everyone, including the professors and have interesting side effects like stronger community in the classroom, students making friends that could last a lifetime, and happier students that smile when you come to class and are eager to participate.
A participant in this workshop will walk away with:
A better understanding of the rational of active and engaged strategies, knowledge of a sampling of strategies, resources for future exploration, and an idea for something to try out in your next class.
Mendy Holliday is an adjunct professor in English and Student Development who has always been interested in active and engaged learning. She has participated in The Great Teaching Retreat , and was also a member of the Faculty Fellows, a group developed to research active learning and teach back to faculty. |