NISOD: Webinar: Establishing a Social Presence in the Online Environment
Hours: 1
Despite the increasing popularity of online courses, retention in these courses is much lower than their face-to-face counterparts. The content in both delivery methods is the same; so what’s the difference? One of the most obvious differences between traditional classes and online classes is a social presence. This webinar demonstrates establishing a social presence in online environments. These strategies have been tested at Nash Community College and the results are outstanding.
Lane Freeman, Chair, Nash Online; Eva Hardy, Instructor, Communication and Program Coordinator, Global Perspectives Scholars, Nash Community College
Thursday, December 14, 2017
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
ACC Faculty and Staff are able to access webinars on a wide smorgasbord of NISOD trainings.
1. Go to the NISOD webinar Homepage - https://www.nisod.org/webinars/
2. Click “View or Sign Up”
3. Find “Establishing a Social Presence in the Online Environment” and click “Register Now”
4. To sign up for this webinar, make sure to use your @austincc.edu email address.
5. Send an email to facdev@austincc.edu to be awarded credit.