STAR: Webinar: Multiple Intelligences
Hours: 1
Multiple Intelligences theory, developed by Howard Gardner, is a way of thinking about intelligence. Gardner defined intelligence as the ability to solve problems and create products that are valued in specific cultural settings. Furthermore, Gardner noted that every person possesses several different and independent competencies. In this module, we'll discuss a bit about Howard Gardner and the Four Premises of Multiple Intelligences Theory. We will take a look at each of the intelligences and applications for the classroom. By the end of this learning module, the learner will be able to:
- Apply Multiple Intelligence activities that provide a variety of approaches to knowledge construction and content integration
- Identify teaching activities that support each of the eight multiple intelligences
Develop and implement Multiple Intelligence activities that stimulate reflective, critical and creative thinking, problem solving and decision making
- Plan appropriate instructional activities and select instructional materials that promote each of the eight intelligences
- Describe at least three attributes of individuals who are talented in each of the eight intelligences
- Explain existentialism and share at least three examples of questions that existentialists might pose.
ACC Faculty and Staff are able to access online workshops on a wide smorgasbord of STARLINK trainings.
1. Go to the STARLINK Homepage - http://starlinktraining.org/
2. On the menu at the top, you will see a dropdown named Get Started, click it.
3. On the dropdown you will see a choice of First Time User, that is where you will want to register your account for the first time. Make sure to use your @austincc.edu email address.
4. Login and click the Members Area at the top right of the screen.
5. Choose “Multiple Intelligences (Exp: Aug 31, 2018)”
7. To complete the 1 hour long course scroll to the bottom and click the Launch Course button. A certificate of completion can be printed once the entire training course is completed. Please note this certificate is not available if you choose to watch the video version only! Send a screenshot or a copy of the certificate to facdev@austincc.edu to be awarded credit. |