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STAR: Engaging and Communicating with Online Students

Hours: 5

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated in the online environment – for both students and faculty. However, through much experience and years of research, best practices and innovative techniques can be applied to improve student engagement, pedagogy, and ensure an effective and successful online learning experience. STARLINK teams up with five expert faculty from the Dallas Community Colleges who offer a high-energy discussion of best practices and innovation in online teaching.

Module One:.

Set the tone for a successful semester by identifying “WHY” your students are taking your online class, knowing who they are, and communicating with them before the first day of class. In this module, our “Rockstar” faculty panel of experts explore the following topics:
“Why” Students Are Taking Classes Online
Communication Before the First Day of Class

Module Two:

Engagement is one of the biggest predictors of completion. How do we effectively communicate and engage online students? In this module, our experts discuss:
Engaging Online Students
Communicating with Your Online Students
Managing Availability

Module Three:

Technology and research continue to abound regarding what works well in online teaching classes, but so does the frustration of finding that perfect pedagogical fit. In this module, our panel of experts address these issues:
Advice to New Online Teachers
My Most Helpful App
Joys of Teaching Online.

ACC Faculty and Staff are able to access online workshops on a wide smorgasbord of STARLINK trainings.

1. Go to the STARLINK Homepage -
2. On the menu at the top, you will see a dropdown named Get Started, click it.
3. On the dropdown you will see a choice of First Time User, that is where you will want to register your account for the first time. Make sure to use your email address.
4. Login and click the Members Area at the top right of the screen.
5. Choose “ROCKSTAR: Engaging and Communicating with Online Students”
7. To complete the 5 hour long course scroll to the bottom and click the Launch Course button. A certificate of completion can be printed once the entire training course is completed. Please note this certificate is not available if you choose to watch the video version only! Send a screenshot or a copy of the certificate to to be awarded credit.

Date Time Location Presenter


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