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SSD17: Engaging Your Students with VoiceThread

Hours: 2.75

VoiceThread is an interactive asynchronous communication and presentation tool that is integrated into Blackboard. VoiceThread makes it easy to add images, documents, audio, and video to online discussions. This interactive tool can be used for learning activities or graded assignments. We will discuss best practices and how the use of VoiceThreads benefits students.

This workshop is intended for faculty members who want to create an interactive and collaborative learning environment with VoiceThreads. By the end of the workshop, faculty members will have created a VoiceThread that can be used for their face-to-face or online course. This is a hands-on workshop that will take place in a computer lab.

Participants need experience in Blackboard to be successful in this workshop. This is not a class on how to use Blackboard.

Participants will be asked to work on an online orientation or a class introduction and ice-breaker. Please bring digital copies of your syllabus or any other materials you might want to work on. The presenters will contact you later with details.

Participants will:
Add a VoiceThread to Blackboard
Set up a Voicethread link
Create a VoiceThread activity
Create graded assignments
Insert hyperlinks, videos, and other media
Record video and audio comments on the fly
Edit a VoiceThread
Grade a VoiceThread
Discuss best practices
Describe the characteristics of a successful VoiceThread
Create a plan for creating a VoiceThread
Create, edit, and or gather content to be used in VoiceThread
Assemble a VoiceThread

Michelle Escudier has over eleven years experience in Instructional Design with an emphasis on distance education and faculty training. The last five plus years have been at ACC as an instructional designer. She also has over ten years experience as a distance education instructor. She has recently completed a VoiceThead Workshop and is working on completing the VoiceThread Educator certificate.

Date Time Location Presenter
06/23/20171:15pm-4:00pmHLC 2412Michelle A Escudier 


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