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The information in this system is now read-only and will be available through Dec 31,2021.
We are aware that all employees' Cybersecurity Awareness Training will expire 08/31/2021.
ALL mandatory training for new and current employees is suspended starting Monday, August 9, 2021 through November 1, 2021. Employees will be able to resume training on Workday to fulfill compliance requirements after November 1, 2021.
More information will be sent to all staff and faculty soon.
SS Early Alert Webinar
Hours: 1
Dr. Virginia Fraire, VP for Student Success, invites your questions and participation regarding ACC’s Early Alert System. Many of our students fall behind within the first few class sessions. Some do not know what to do and others are unaware that they may be in academic difficulty. ACC is seeking ways to identify these students as early as possible and help them before it’s too late. With tech support and the collaboration of faculty, counselors and advisors many students can save their semester, financial aid, and get back on the track to success. Learn what is being done and how the system will work. Dr. Fraire invites your participation in an online Q&A discussion of challenges and specifics on implementing a truly effective Early Alert System.