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SDD17: Hands-on Exploration of Molecular and Chemical Models

Hours: 1.25

One of the greatest challenges in teaching subjects involving molecules is that they’re invisible to the naked eye. User-friendly molecular modeling software makes it easy for students to manipulate the structures of chemicals and macromolecules and better visualize what they might look like. Drawing structures in different ways and coloring molecules by properties can help students intuitively grasp where proteins are charged or hydrophobic and how they’re folded around. In this workshop, participants will use the Molecule World app on the Biology lab iPads to investigate structures from collections of structures from diverse biochemicals, normal and mutant proteins related to breast cancer, immune system molecules, and structures related to drug resistance. We will also demonstrate methods for locating and downloading new structures and techniques for investigations.

Participants will learn how to work with a user-friendly molecular modeling program (Molecule World) to have students carry out hands-on investigations of molecular models in their courses. Participants will learn how to use collections of molecular structures for teaching immunology, genetics, microbiology, biology, biotech, biochemistry, and chemistry.

Dr. Sandra Porter is a nationally known expert in bioinformatics and biotechnology education, a Co-PI on Bio-Link and the AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center, and an adjunct professor with the ACC Biotech program. Early in her career, Porter developed and led one of first biotech programs in the nation at Seattle Central Community College. Later, as a research scientist, she worked with bioinformatics software and developed educational materials to share methods with others. In 2008, Porter started Digital World Biology LLC, a company focused on helping instructors use bioinformatics in education. With funding from the National Science Foundation’s SBIR program, Porter launched Molecule World™, a user-friendly iPad app for working with molecular and chemical models in 2014. Porter continues to develop new materials and support Bio-Link’s mission of making sure that Bio-Link graduates have the skills they need to enter the biotech industry.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/13/20172:45pm-4:00pmHLC 1305Sandra G Porter 


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