This hands-on workshop is meant for the instructor who uses Blackboard to deliver course content. Class participants will discuss ADA accessibility requirements, course usability, and how to achieve usability and accessibility with current techniques and tools available in the Blackboard Learning Management System.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice these skills. In addition, they can address accessibility and usability issues in their own courses, with the workshop instructors on hand to aid them.
Some basic knowledge of Blackboard is required. This workshop does not teach Blackboard Basic skills. At the end of the session, the instructor will be able to:
- Add Alt tags to images
- Add Table header cells to tables
- Design tables for maximum readability
- Develop content to ensure screenreader accessibility
- Structure course design to ensure usability for a variety of users
- Explain how to provide captioning and transcripts for video and audio
Travis Irby and Michelle Escudier are the instructors.
Travis is the instructional designer at the ACC Hays campus. Among Travis's degrees, he holds an M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of Texas at Austin. He has worked in disability services at the University of Texas at Austin and University of Texas at San Antonio.
Michelle has a MS in Instructional Technology and is an instructional designer at the Riverside campus. Michelle has been teaching distance learning courses for more than 10 years and has created many courses and trainings. She has been an instructional designer for more at least ten years -- accessibility and usability of online courses are a special interest of hers. |