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SS: CS&IT AoS-Dept./Faculty Meeting

Hours: 2

Professor Mary Kohls, Department Chair for Computer Information Technology and Computer Science, and Heather Beels, Advising Forum Chair, will host the 1st CS&IT AoS Advisor/Dept. meeting and training. At the session there will be: 1. a meet and greet; 2. program overview (with summary sheets/ppt slides) 3. some discussion on "finer points" of programs - what certificates can be obtained before a degree vs. what certificates require an academic credential as an enrollment requirement; 4. guidance on how/what to assess at the AoS advisor level before referring students to the department for faculty/administrator assitance, and 5. generate ideas how AoS advisors and dept./faculty advising (and faculty coordinator) can collaborate to improve both on-boarding and "handoff" processes.

Date Time Location Presenter
11/04/20161:00pm-3:00pmHLC 2217 


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