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GA16: Guided Pathways + Student Equity = Student Success

Hours: 1.5

How does integrating student equity practices into the implementation of Guided Pathways impact student success? Workshop participants will engage in an interactive workshop to learn more about Guided Pathways principles, best practices in student equity and develop an equity scorecard to identify opportunities to improve the overall student experience at Austin Community College.

Learning Objectives:
1) L​earn more about ​the principles of Guided Pathways.
2) Understand common language and best practices related to student equity.
3) U​tilize a student equity analysis to understand the dynamic factors impacting​ our​ ACC students experiences​ on ​their ​academic path f​rom a​pplication through​ p​ost graduation.
4) D​evelop an equity scorecard to identify opportunities to further support student success using Guided Pathways principles.

Skye Howell is the Education Area of Study Instructional Faculty Coordinator. She collaborates with multiple departments to incorporate best practices in student success and student equity to improve the ACC student experience using the Guided Pathways framework. Her graduate studies are in Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity from the University of Colorado-Boulder. She also teaches courses within the Student Development and Human Services departments. As an educator, her teaching philosophy is strengths based; prioritizing student equity and encouraging student success through self-efficacy using a servant leadership approach.

Date Time Location Presenter
08/26/20163:15pm-4:45pmHLC 2407Skye Howell 


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