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GA16: Examining Student Data Using ACC Public Dashboards

Hours: 1.5

In this workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of college data through interactive dashboards. We will explore different public reports and data sets in a very user friendly format. We will examine outliers, trends, and interesting patterns within our data. Dashboards include Student Headcount, Climate Survey, Completions by Area, Degrees and Awards, and Dual Credit Enrollment.

Participants will:
1. Visualize old data in a new way.
2. Utilize dashboards as presentation tools.
3. Examine trends and outliers within college data. Analyze complicated data in a more efficient user friendly manner.

Todd Moon is the Web Administrator for the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability. He has served in this position since August 2012. He has an extensive background in front end development focusing on user experience and user interface. Todd is accomplished in web accessibility in compliance with ADA requirements and the development of data visualization tools for efficient information analysis.

Date Time Location Presenter
08/26/20163:15pm-4:45pmHLC 2414Phillip Todd Moon 


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