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GA16: Ally 101: How You Can Support the LGBTQIA Community

Hours: 1.5

This introductory training session will provide you with an overview of LGBTQIA history, language, identity and inclusion. You will get the understanding and resources to be an Ally to ACC LGBTQIA students, faculty, and staff. Allies are provided with an ALLY placard at end of training to post in their workspace, and will also be listed on the LGBTeQuity website by campus location.

Participants will gain a knowledge of what it means to be an ally. Basic awareness of LGBTQIA identities. Understand how LGBTQIA inclusion makes our campus and the world a more inclusive place for all. Resources and skills to be better ally.

Sukisha Moragne is the Co-Chair of the Austin Community College LGBT eQuity committee. Sukisha is a longtime advocate and ally to the LGBTQIA community and is a member of the counseling faculty at Austin Community College. She has taught and presented on various sexuality topics over the years.

Matthew Campbell is a member and long time supporter of the LGBT community. He is a member of the Austin Community College LGBT eQuity committee. He joined not only as a staff member but as a student as well. Matthew is always seeking ways to better the lives of students, staff and faculty at ACC.

Date Time Location Presenter
08/26/20163:15pm-4:45pmHLC 2219Sukisha L Moragne 


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