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Service & Comfort Animals on Campus: Your Legal Landscape

Hours: 1.5

Court cases under the Fair Housing Act have made many institutions of higher education consider their policies and protocols related to service and support animals on campus, in an effort to comply with the most up-to-date regulations and laws. What are the current laws regarding service and comfort animals on campus and what does this mean for you? What should you have in your service and comfort animal policies? Can you require documentation? What does this mean for service and support animals in campus housing? How are employee practices altered? This webinar will address the requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Fair Housing Act that require colleges and universities to allow service and assistance animals on campus. LPC and LSW credits will be given

Date Time Location Presenter
05/04/20161:00pm-2:30pmHBC 411Sheila R Henderson 


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