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Open Forum on Guided Pathways, Spring 2016

Hours: 1

ACC is working to increase student success by engaging in college-wide efforts surrounding Guided Pathways. An important part of developing Pathways is increasing communication with faculty, staff, and students about how best to support student completion and progress.

The Futures Institute (a group of faculty, staff, and students) were tasked in Fall 2015 with researching Guided Pathways and offering suggestions for how ACC should move forward with redesign efforts.

If you are interested in learning about what is happening at ACC with regard to Pathways, or if you want to get involved by sharing your thoughts about this college-wide process, we invite you to join members of the Futures Institute at one of our Spring 2016 Campus Conversations.

Date Time Location Presenter
03/04/20162:00pm-3:00pmCYP Student Commons Rm 1100 (Bldg 1000)Courtney C Grams 

03/04/20162:00pm-3:00pmHLC 2405Courtney C Grams 

03/04/20162:00pm-3:00pmRVS 8100Courtney C Grams 

03/08/20168:00pm-9:00pmHBC 301.0 & ONLINE 


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