Study Skills for the New College Student
Hours: 1.5
This presentation will provide an overview of the EDUC 1300 – Effective Learning: Strategies
for College Success course. Theoretical models of strategic learning, cognition, and motivation
serve as the conceptual basis for the introduction of college-level student academic strategies.
The course focuses on a broad range of knowledge, skills, mindsets, and behaviors that support
the learning and success of our students in school and in life. Four key elements reflect the
overall framework of the course: Personal Skills, Learning Skills, Life Skills, and Mastery Skills.
Students use assessment instruments (e.g., learning and personal inventories) to help them
identify their own strengths and weaknesses as strategic learners. Students are ultimately
expected to integrate and apply the learning skills discussed across their own academic programs
and become effective and efficient learners. Breakfast will be served prior to the presentation.
Sharon Frederick, has worn many hats! As Dr. Frederick, she has worked at ACC for the past 20 years, having directed an array of programs to include: Early College High School, Learning Labs, Academic Testing Centers, Student Recruitment, Supplemental Instruction, Bridge Programs, Adult Ed, and supervised her own campus The ACC Robbins Academy. As Professor Frederick, she currently serves as the Department Chair for General Studies & Student Development and SDEV Professor. And as Major Frederick, she served for 24 years in the US Air Force Reserves and the TX Army National Guard, retiring February 2011 after having served in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in Kosovo in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and her last deployment in Iraq from 2009-2010. Her passion for education and deep commitment to helping students reach their full potential speaks for itself! Her mantra is: "All students CAN and WILL succeed" and whether it is Soldiers, staff or students, she instills in them to "mark their work with excellence." And finally, the BEST hat of all is “Grams” to her beloved nine year old grandson. |