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PROFDEV: TOOLBOX DEVELOPMENT Emotional Support: Staying Balanced in a Changing World for Supervisors

Hours: 1

**FOCUSED ON SUPERVISORS, STAFF, DEPT. CHAIRS. Support Staff Welcome.** Change impacts all aspects of life. It is neither good nor bad, though every change brings a chance to self‐improve or self‐destruct. This seminar is focused on the concept that people who know how to manage change have more successful lives. You will deepen your knowledge of the change process as you review the factors that influence change and ask yourself key questions about change in your life. You’ll focus on successful change management in the workplace as you review common change factors in corporations, from layoffs to mergers, and the increased stress and anxiety many employees experience. You’ll learn how to take a more positive approach as you learn to embrace change and manage the elements that are within your control. HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT You will be more prepared to accept change as a challenge rather than a crisis and have a greater comfort level managing unexpected events as you - Understand that change is inevitable and a normal part of life - Learn that change in the workplace is handled most successfully when the people who are affected by change are given a chance to be part of the solution - Recognize high‐stress symptoms in yourself and others and learn more healthy coping skills - Learn to manage change instead of avoiding it **PRESENTED BY DEER OAKS - EAP, Presenter TBA**

Date Time Location Presenter
04/13/201610:00am-11:00amHBC 221.0Vanessa Medina-Flores 


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