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PROFDEV: TOOLBOX DEVELOPMENT A Personal Guide to Building Resiliency and Coping with Change for Supervisors

Hours: 1

Learn strategies to remain resilient and healthy through all the ups and downs life has to offer, from a new baby or a job promotion, to illness or divorce. It’s not what happens to us but how we respond to what is happening to us that has the strongest impact in our lives. When we are resilient, we are able to adjust quickly to new conditions, change our personal direction if required, and incorporate every life event more smoothly into our lives. This seminar will empower you to become more resilient as you learn to identify the traits of resilient people and understand the role of your thoughts and perception in shaping your response to life’s joys and challenges. HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT You’ll be able to adjust more easily to life’s ups and downs as you - Recognize what defines resiliency, from flexibility to a positive outlook - Increase self‐awareness about personal and work conditions that trigger stress in you - Learn new ways of thinking about changes in your life that will boost your resilience

Date Time Location Presenter
04/06/20169:30am-10:30amHBC 221.0Vanessa Medina-Flores 


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