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PROFDEV: TOOLBOX DEVELOPMENT Diversity in the Workplace for Supervisors

Hours: 1

***NOTE: This workshop is geared to Staff Supervisors, Deans and Department Chairs. Support staff welcome. Diversity is an imperative part of our daily work. As our organization continues growing and expanding, so must the people who drive our process, make our policy and drive our mission. A few key objectives you will learn include: • Recognize the importance of managing for diversity • Identify the elements involved in successfully recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce • Provide tips for communicating appropriately in a diverse work environment ***PRESENTED BY DEER OAKS, EAP - DR. ERIKA GONZALEZ-LIMA***

Date Time Location Presenter
01/12/20162:00pm-3:00pmHBC 214.0Vanessa Medina-Flores 


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