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SDD16: How can I get my federal student loan debt forgiven? ...And Other Financial Aid Tips

Hours: 1.5

Objective: This workshop will serve as an overview of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program for ACC employees and how small things can help ACC students with their Financial Aid.

This session will go through the ins and outs of Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) with the help with FedLoan Servicing. FedLoan is main loan servicer who handles PSLF. There will also be tips on how ACC employees can help student's regarding their loan debt and explain why it is important to know that school default rate is a school issue and not a financial aid issue.

Eileen Eiden has been doing default prevention for last six year with varied of students and borrowers.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/15/201611:00am-12:30pmHLC 2404Eileen Eiden 


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