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SDD16: Integrating Civic Responsibility into the Curriculum

Hours: 1.5

1. Define civic responsibility
2. Demonstrate the need for civic responsibility
3. The practice of civic responsibility
4. Assessing civic responsibility

A workshop for faculty who are interested in learning how to integrate civic responsibility into their courses and how to assess civic responsibility.

Dr. Lillian Marie Huerta is ACC's current Director of the Office of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement. Dr. Huerta has over 10 years of service-learning experience and has published a guide to help faculty, students, and non-profits integrate service-learning and civic engagement into the classroom. Her efforts were recognized by Project Learn to Read of San Antonio, Texas for providing outstanding student volunteers. She was also recognized by the Texas Youth Commission's Ayer's Halfway House for her efforts in developing partnerships between faculty and non-profits.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/15/20169:00am-10:30amHLC 2407Lillian Marie Huerta 


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