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HR: ProfDev: Emotional Intelligence for Success

Hours: 1

Learn the benefits of recognizing feelings in yourself and others, managing emotions, and balancing thoughts and feelings. These traits are associated with “emotional intelligence” and can improve the chances of leading a successful life. The seminar will examine the impact of emotional intelligence or “EQ” at home and at work. You’ll learn that by recognizing the feelings of family members and coworkers and responding in a balanced, rational way, you can improve relationships and collaborate more effectively at work. The seminar also examines new brain research on emotions and the battle between the emotional and the thinking brain. You’ll be able to recognize EQ and understand its benefits. You’ll learn that  The ability to cope with daily situations and get along in the world includes both cognitive and emotional intelligence  The emotional brain has a strong impact on behavior  An “amygdala attack” of knee‐jerk reactions and panic results when cognitive thinking stops  Calm breathing and focused listening will add to EQ Presented by DeerOaks, Dr. Erika Gonzalez-Lima *If the workshop is full and you would like to attend, please send an email to*

Date Time Location Presenter
10/22/201510:30am-11:30amHBC 214.0Vanessa Medina-Flores 


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