SDD20: Flip that Classroom & Engage those Students
Hours: 3
A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy where the traditional learning environment is reversed: students get “first contact” with lecture material and related course content outside of the classroom before class, while classroom time is reserved for active learning activities, such as laboratory experiments, team-building, problem-solving, case studies, and long-term projects. In the flipped classroom, instructors are available to guide the student in applying the content and students get to dive deeply into new ideas.
Topics for discussion include:
-Theories behind the flipped classroom, real-world examples, and the techniques used to maximize the student learning experience
-The “flippable moment” - How faculty can locate those opportunities for flipping the classroom
-Available tools - Technology and software are used to breach the void between the content and this a more active learning environment. The classroom becomes a dynamic space promoting peer learning and collaboration.
In addition, participants will explore technology options and resources available at ACC that can be used to promote active learning in the flipped classroom.
Since we will be flipping this workshop, participants MUST COME PREPARED by doing the reading or viewing in advance. Follow this link to access the workshop content.
A participant walks away with:
The ability to:
1. Recognize the attributes of a flipped classroom
2. Evaluate the benefits of flipping the classroom
3. Explain how flipping the classroom lends itself to the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
4. Align flipped classroom activities and assessments to department/institution general education objectives, course, and lesson objectives.
5. Locate applications and technologies that facilitate learning in the classroom.
6. Generate learning activities to use in the flipped classroom.
7. Generate ideas for transforming lecture content into self-paced, media-rich, engaging materials.
8. Determine the places in the lesson or course plan that best lend themselves to flipped classroom activities
9. Troubleshoot flipped classroom problems.
"Hands on" Benefits
-List of class-created learning activities for use in the flipped classroom
-Applications and technology resources list
-Recommended lecture and active learning techniques
-Plan for creating a flippable moment
Michelle Escudier has an MS Instructional Technology and is an Instructional Designer at South Austin Campus with over fourteen years experience. She is also an experienced online instructor and is a certified Quality Matters Master Reviewer. Stephanie Bogdanich is a Faculty & Instructional Support Specialist at the South Austin Campus with an M.S. in Learning Technology. She is also a published author & digital media creator. |