SDD20: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About SAS - but Were Afraid to Ask!
Hours: 1.5
General overview of services provided to students with disabilities, student responsibilities, faculty responsibilities, information about animals on campus, and questions answered about working with students with disabilities.
A participant walks away with:
To gain a better understanding of Student Accessibility Services, working with students with disabilities and the laws that govern disability in higher education. Participants will be able to go back to their classrooms or offices feeling more confident working with this population.
Dr. Lauren Sebel has worked at ACC since 2007 all in various positions within Student Accessibility Services (SAS). In 2016, she became ACC's first SAS director. She implemented the reorganization of SAS focusing on consistency and clarity for faculty, staff and students. Lauren's door is always open for questions about SAS, students with disabilities, or anything disability related! |