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STAR: Webinar - Gender Bias in Student Evaluations

Hours: 1

In partnership with the National University Technology Network (NUTN) and Texas Tech University, Open SUNY is pleased to host and showcase Dr. Kristina Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell of the Texas Tech University Department of Political Science, is the lead author of the recent study Gender Bias in Student Evaluations. A growing literature shows that student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are biased against women, which presents a significant problem when SETs are used in hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions. Dr. Mitchell will first describe her study and situate it in the literature of studies with similar findings. She found that even in identical online courses, students rate a male professor higher on an ordinal scale than a female professor.

Dr. Mitchell will discuss the implications of these findings for the higher education community and then provide strategies for addressing this issue. She will provide instructional design suggestions for how to incorporate materials into online and face-to-face courses that might address this bias. Alternate methods of teaching evaluation will be discussed, as well as strategies for women, for allies, and for institutions in addressing gender bias in higher education more broadly.

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2. On the menu at the top, you will see a dropdown named Get Started, click it.
3. On the dropdown you will see a choice of First Time User, that is where you will want to register your account for the first time. Make sure to use your email address.
4. Login and click the Members Area at the top right of the screen.
5. Choose “Webinar - Gender Bias in Student Evaluations”
7. To complete the 1 hour long course scroll to the bottom and click the Launch Course button. A certificate of completion can be printed once the entire training course is completed. Please note this certificate is not available if you choose to watch the video version only! Send a screenshot or a copy of the certificate to to be awarded credit.

Date Time Location Presenter
ONLINE - AVAILABLE THROUGH 08/01/2018Chelsea Biggerstaff 


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