Lynda.com: Teaching Techniques: Developing Curriculum
Hours: 1
This online course is provided by Lynda.com, which ACC has an institutional subscription, so there is no charge to take the course. Below is the course description and following that are the instructions for how to access the course on Lynda.com.
Teaching Techniques: Developing Curriculum
By taking the time to develop thoughtful learning goals and outcomes, you can enhance the quality of your instruction—and potentially save yourself from needing to deal with frustrating situations without a game plan. In this short course, Oliver Schinkten explores how to develop a curriculum that not only identifies learning objectives for individual lessons, but also informs pedagogy and assessment strategies. He discusses the crucial components of curriculum development, including how to create learning objectives, consider the scope and sequence, deliver high-quality feedback, and make your learning materials accessible to all learners. Plus, he explains how to plan for the unexpected, and modify your instruction to ensure that it evolves to meet the needs of your learners.
Topics include:
- Creating learning objectives
- Considering the scope and sequence
- Logistics
- Assessments
- Selecting the right tools
- Backward design
- Considering learning styles
- Planning for the unexpected
- Reflecting and modifying your instruction
Taking courses on Lynda.com:
To set up your account and access courses on Lynda.com, follow the instructions at: http://sites.austincc.edu/blog/access-lynda-com-tutorials-with-your-acc-credentials/
Once you have logged on to Lynda.com, enter “Teaching Techniques: Developing Curriculum” in the search bar at the top of the screen. Select the course.
To receive credit for completion of a Lynda.com course:
1. Log on to Lynda.com
2. Use the drop down menu for your account (by your first name in the upper right corner of the screen) and select “Certificates”.
3. Find the completed course you are claiming credit for. Select the “View/Print” link to the right of that course listing.
4. A new window should appear displaying your completion certificate. Select “Save as PDF” in the upper left of that window.
5. Attach your saved certificate PDF file to an email and send it to facdev@austincc.edu. Be sure to include your name and ACC ID# in the body of the email message.