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SSD17: Creating an Exemplary Blackboard Course

Hours: 1.25

This workshop focuses on ways to use Blackboard and Quality Matters rubrics to build, assess, and improve Blackboard courses. Topics include accessibility, active learning, assessment/feedback, and faculty availability.

Participants will (1) assess ways in which technology can enhance the teaching/learning process, (2) receive ideas for using Blackboard and Google tools to develop effective learning experiences and enhance active participation in on campus and online courses, (3) use feedback for continuous improvement, and (4) work towards the development of a Blackboard Exemplary course.

Sheila Ammons taught her first distance learning course in 1988 (ITV), her goal has been to not only stay current with the technology and teaching techniques that meet the needs of her students, but to develop and deliver courses that are on the cutting edge. She has submitted a course for the Blackboard Exemplary Course designation and received helpful feedback. Course content and skills vary, but there are many common issues that the faculty at ACC face, thus Sheila recognizes the need for faculty to share ways to help with a journey of excellence that benefits our students, employers, and our communities.

Date Time Location Presenter
06/23/201710:30am-11:45amHLC 2414Sheila Ammons 


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